QR Codes continue to be a great way to share good information on a product, service or event, and this week, we unveiled a cool project related to Castle Homes, builder of the nation’s only Southern Living Idea House, opening at Fontanel today using the QR Code for a video.
Two years ago, we contemplated the idea of using the QR code on a home tour in the Brentwood area but hesitated because our target demographic was not using the QR Code. No one I knew, beyond social media types, at that time had the reader on their smart phone so why bother with that technology and take up space on your brochure or sign with it?
Now exactly 24 months later, thanks to the smart real estate industry, our consumer group has been trained to find more information on a home by scanning with their phone.
Forest Home Media client Castle Homes was seeking an opportunity to showcase unique building and design elements on this incredible Idea House which they had spent months meticulously building northwest of Nashville. We wanted to provide our consumer with pretty ways to achieve Southern Living qualities in their own home while providing a bit of info on Castle Homes, Southern Living’s Custom Builder of the Year – 2012.
With the help of graphic artist Bart Smith, we wrote and designed a brochure with the QR Code and putting it on a 6 x 10 inches card format so it fits perfectly into an upright plastic container for our on-site display at the Resource Center of the Idea House and printed by David McQuiddy, McQuiddy Printing.
Here’s a look at the card-style brochure:
We produced the dreamy video using Alec Klapper, BluEYEdea Media. We had SO much information including an interview with Southern Living Idea House Project Manager Frank Craige. Condensing to around two minutes was crucial but challenging. Take a look at the just released video and let me know what are your favorite Southern Living inspired building and design ideas.
The Idea House has opened to the public today and we are tracking our views and website traffic. This marketing tool is definitely helping bring another fun dimension to the experience. And, when sharing my excitement with one of my marketing colleagues at Nashville-based JTMarCom, VP Christine Taylor said she used the QR Code on a cupcake to promote a Las Vegas tire related event for GT Radial. Just had to include her Pinterest photo here.
We’d love to see your unique and successful uses of the code. Drop us a line or post a link.
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