By: Cat Royka, Forest Home Media Summer 2014 Intern
Forest Home Media Partner Home Tour
Walking into Forest Home Media partner Dana Tucker’s house on day two of my summer internship began with a home tour of Bella Vista nestled in the historic Forest Home area of Williamson County. As a Nashville-area PR/marketing company specializing in the home lifestyle industry, Dana’s homestead is a snapshot into her portfolio for her other business, Bella Tucker Decorative Finishes.
Immediately I fell in love with Bella Vista (the name of her home). Every inch has some creative or unique touch different from one room to the next. In many homes, people just decorate and put lots of effort into one or two rooms: Dana’s takes pride in making sure every room gets the proper attention and unique flair it deserves.
Working from her home office has been such a treat because it is absolutely beautiful and so full of character! She and her husband Brooks, have their own company called Bella Tucker Decorative Finishes, which specializes in decorative finishes adding their artistic touch to cabinets, ceilings and just about anything related to home decor! They have definitely used their design abilities all throughout their home. I could rave all day about the many home aspects I love, but here are my top three!
Home Office
First, the home office walls are aligned with wide windows overlooking the deck and pool with skylight windows along the roof offering lots of natural light – perfect if stuck inside all day because you still get the feeling of being able to enjoy the outdoors. A beautiful wood desk sits underneath a decorative, crystal chandelier and across sits two vintage, velvet armchairs. Not afraid to mix and match patterns, two lamps on the desk are white with thin, multi-colored, red, yellow and blue stripes. Thinking this could clash with the Ikat patterned armchair pillows or geometric print rug, it works perfectly! Dana is such a bold designer and I love that about her style and home office look. This room has inspired me not to be afraid to mix and match my favorite patterns or colors!

The Kitchen
Next, the kitchen left me fascinated. As an avid baker and cook, spacious kitchens fill me with happy envy! Opening to a dining area, the kitchen has clean, sleek, stainless steel appliances, granite countertops, and a china cabinet with collected pieces some from Nashville blogger Brandy Adams’ Make + Model’s Pop Up Shop. Framed and hanging on the kitchen wall are a series of her grandmother’s recipes creating sentimental original artwork which I plan to emulate some day! Recipes include Mandarin Orange Cake, Harrison’s Fruit Cake and Mississippi Mud Cake, which I’ll be making soon and included the recipe below.

With a bold and definitive style, kitchen walls are painted silver metallic (Modern Master metallic and Sherwin Williams Amazing Gray), which shines and brightens the kitchen. Speaking of brightening, unique kitchen lighting includes a West Elm capiz shell light and pretty pendants hang from the ceiling of faux pressed tin. Check out Bella Tucker’s most popular blog & Pinterest post here for the details.

Screened Porch
Finally, my favorite part of the house would have to be the screened-in porch, located beneath the deck and next to the pool affectionately known as the “Outdoor Office.” With a custom created swing bed (made by Brooks and Dana) inspired by the Traditional Home magazine house built by FHM client, Carbine & Associates. With a dreamy blue and green theme, two lounge chairs complete the room. To beat the southern heat, a ceiling fan helps family, friends and interns! enjoy the summer outdoors. It is the perfect spot to grab a book and cup of coffee and just relax.
I’ll so miss working in her beautiful home as I finish my PR degree at Virginia Tech, but head over to my Pinterest board to keep up with my favorite home, food and travel adventures!
Mississippi Mud Cake Recipe
1 1/2 cups flour
2 cups sugar
2 Tbs cocoa
1 can of coconut
1 1/2 cups chopped pecans
2 sticks melted butter
4 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
1. Mix all ingredients together
2. Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes
3. While hot, spread marshmallow cream
4. Enjoy!