July 17, 2012
Email Marketing with MailChimp
Email marketing may well be the most effective, lowest cost marketing tool available to business owners today. Are you taking advantage of this free resource? If you are building your email list correctly, you have created an email sign up form on your blog, website, and other platforms you have established across the web. Copyblogger, our go to source for best practices in content marketing has some great tips for building your email marketing list.
July 11, 2012
How To Get Event Media Coverage
Continuing a Behind The Scenes look at our Forest Home Media Launch Party project, after developing a launch event objective and plan, partner Dana Tucker and I decided ,in addition to networking with key community leaders, we also wanted to invite targeted media for possible event coverage. We have a solid network of area writers who were invited to simply enjoy the party but there is also a talented group of writers/photographers who cover events
June 24, 2012
Pinterest for Party Planning and for Business
Up next in the “Behind The Scenes: The Official Forest Home Media Launch” is an introduction to how we utilized Pinterest to accomplish multiple goals. Forest Home Media Pinterest board. We love Pinterest for its great visual impact and its almost viral social sharing capabilities. As marketers, data, included in this Forbes article, is now ranking Pinterest as a top source of referral traffic to websites. We have seen this in action with several of our
Editor’s Note: The original title for this blog post was ” Behind The Scenes: Official Forest Home Media Launch.” However, in order to be SEO (search engine optimization) friendly, the title was strategically revised by FHM SEO expert, Dana Tucker. After announcing a new Nashville-based integrated marketing firm on March 5,the partners of Forest Home Media are hosting an official launch event which will be chronicled and shared with helpful info via various traditional and
May 18, 2012
Don’t Miss Charity Tour of Home Ideas
From “Applesauce Cake” Porter paint to great outdoor living inspiration, what’s cool, new and classic in new home building, design and renovation is being featured in the 2012 Charity Tour of Homes opening this Friday at gorgeous home sites around the Nashville area. As a Forest Home Media PR/marketing/advertising project, it has been a fun challenge promoting the seven-site event and various talented members of the elite Master Custom Builders Council of TN. One of